Saturday, April 24, 2010

Save our trees, Buy used books.

Earth Day is everyday ! Imagine how many trees will be saved by buying used books...and how much money you'll save by buying used books!

Used books are easily 50 to 75% OFF the regular prices of new books and a lot of them look new. I've bought most of my books in used bookstores as they allow me to buy up to 10 for the price of a new one.

BOOKS for LESS has allowed me to collect tons of books. I have never had such a wonderful collection of adorable home & garden hardbound coffee table books which i've gone through a million times!
Even with the internet, nothing can compare to having a book beside you.

1 comment:

  1. I was not able to bargain anything on the internet. Now, I am able to do it at - its cool.
