Saturday, April 24, 2010

Psalm 103 Bless the Lord, O my soul !

Psalm 103 will always be special to me and my daughter, Isabel. When Isabel was a baby we both had difficulty with her asthma. I was quite ignorant to its causes and just thought it was hereditary since I, my husband and my sister had asthma when we were young. But after a no. of hospitalizations and realizations that God wants us healed and has already provided our healing through the resurrection of Jesus our Lord, I and Isabel started memorizing and declaring Ps 103. I printed out the Psalm and placed it on top of her bed. Ever since we started doing this Isabel has not suffered from any major asthma attacks and has not been hospitalized since. Praise God His Word is true! She is healed ! The piece of paper started getting torn and dirty but I wanted to save it as a reminder of God's goodness. I made it into a collage on canvas so I can hang it on the wall and we would see it often. Whenever we feel like the flu or sore throat coming we remember to read and declare Ps 103...who heals all your that your youth is renewed like the eagles! God's Word combined with faith will never fail. Try it

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  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering my OWOH giveaway! I hope you will enjoy the rest of the event!

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're enjoying OWOH! You have a lovely blog.

